June 20-22, 2024

Train Up Teachers Conference is for anyone looking to develop knowledge and skills in the field of education. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, or a children’s church worker, our goal is to provide vision, tools, and connection to those who desire to train up children that will serve the purposes of God in their generation. As educators, we play a pivotal role in fulfilling Proverbs 22:6
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”


The Train Up Conference is for anyone looking to develop knowledge and skills in the field of education. This training will be practical and tactical so you can return to the classroom with effective strategies for engagement, classroom management, and training of the heart. Whether you are a parent, a children’s church worker, or a private, public, or charter school teacher, our goal is to inspire, equip, and foster connection amongst those who desire to train up children who will serve God’s purposes in their generation.


Bring teachers from all over C2C together to share stories, seek advice, and connect with other teachers in other specialties. We have intentionally included the following “specialties” (areas of service) in this conference: Formal classroom teachers, homeschool parents, and children’s church workers. All of these groups share in their mandate to train up children in the way they should go. No matter what specialty attendees consider themselves to be in, everyone will grow from hearing others share and have the opportunity to ask questions and engage on various educational topics. 


  1. Equip attendees with practical skills and best practices that are low-prep and high-yield.
  2. Inspire and refresh through ministry, testimony, and interpersonal connections.
  3. Connect teachers, parents, and children’s church workers with other specialties/disciplines to share knowledge and strategies.